Wednesday, December 3, 2014


I recently said to a new friend that I should start a blog entitled "Girl, Let Me Tell You!" I don't know if that's catchy enough but it needs to express the idea that we as women need to share knowledge instead of breaking each other down. The stereotype that women are catty and can't get along needs to be debunked so we can stop that prophecy from coming to pass - especially in our children.

So off the top of my head here are a few things I'd like to pass along:
• Work hard. Don't just stay busy and THINK you work hard. Put in the time and energy and keep doing it.
• Work smart. When you first start working hard, you may not work so smart. That's ok. Just keep learning as you work hard and you'll find smarter ways to get things done.
• Start thinking - and acting - like the employer. When we always think like the employee we will always see things like an employee, always want things for the employee and, in turn, always be the employee. It's time to own some businesses and have multiple streams of income so that our legacy is established. And to do that we must first change our mindsets.
• Don't be afraid to be a woman. Our society has valued the tasks that men have historically performed so much that they have convinced women to pursue those things and called it feminism. Don't be fooled. Femininity is an art. Don't compromise it. It is both a calling and a beautiful privilege. And no one can do it like the unique woman that God has created you to be.
• Make your life count! God has marked out a path for you. Forge it! Accept the mission. Go on the adventure! Make it happen!! And every other motivational cliché that you can think of! Stamp - no, engrave this world with the mark of your life. And make it a good one!

I've got more - lots more - to say but I'll leave it at that for now. More specifics and details to come. Here's to growing older and wiser.

In Christ forever,

Nichole, CMBL

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