Sunday, December 4, 2016

Unfortunately, It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

I love snow. Living out the winters in this city means it's either love it, hibernate or move. I live in Chicago,  home of pay-to-play politics, the Sears Tower (we'll never call it the Willis Tower - you do know that, right?) and some of the best shopping in the nation. And what else are we known for? Crime. Not just crime. Violent crime. Gun crime. The statistics are ridiculous and just keep coming. 49 shot one weekend. 2 killed. 62 shot the next weekend. 8 killed. The loss of life in our city rivals any in the nation and in many war ravaged countries as well.

But there is a reprieve from the extreme numbers and numbing pain. It's called "winter." It's a sad thing when the snow brings screams of delight from my children followed by "Mommy, the crime rate is about to go down!" (Yep, this is actually what happened in my house today.)

I love snow. I really do. I love snowmen, ice skating, sledding, hot chocolate with marshmellows and all things winter. (Well, almost.) But I am sad to say that one of my favorite things about winter in Chicago is watching the death toll dramatically decrease. We made it through one more summer. Some of us anyway. We're scarred, hurt and grieving but we're here.

Here's hoping next year is somehow different. Until then, bundle up. It's cold outside.



  1. Totally agree!


  2. Oh Nichole, you expressed much in a few words, and powerfully at that. Living in Chicago is not for the faint of heart, surviving it is another thing altogether. I'm thankful for the hedge of protection Father has placed around those I know and deeply love. I'm thankful for you and Marcus, your church, and all you do to be Christ everywhere you Father leads and takes you.
